Selasa, 19 November 2013

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DIVERSITY Indonesia is a country with diverse cultures. Many different religions and cultures of the various provinces are now seen to coexist in many places. One of the biggest questions facing Indonesia today is how to deal with people who have diverse cultures and then be able to create harmony in the sphere of unity in the unitary Republic of Indonesia in accordance with Indonesian state motto of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means different but still one . Indonesia must appreciate the differences among cultures with the following reasons. First, Indonesia is vulnerable to separation for the archipelago and cultural diversity. The most effective way to maintain unity among its citizens, among others, by increasing tolerance among the people who have the distinction. Many ways of life or cultures that are considered legitimate, and some of them are not considered normal by most people due to cultural differences in the ways and patterns. If people claim to have a sense of tolerance towards personal choice, it must respect the choice of others to maintain their cultural heritage. Then, the unity of the nation can be preserved. Second, Indonesia should have the consciousness that every existing culture has customs and beliefs are diverse. Thus, people are forbidden to make a comparative valuation, such as judging that culture in the region are the most good while others are not worth it culture. Whatever the form of culture is the identity of a nation or in another sense that more and more culture in a country reflects that the country has a wealth deserves to be gratefully and not to be discriminated. That is owned by Indonesia. As citizens we should feel proud to be an abundance of culture as a heritage that must be preserved. Therefore we should not be in favor of any one culture because it would lead to schism in no way reflect the unity of the nation. For that measure something that should be scalable. A plurality of the nation, especially in the modern era, may allow for the development of culture and cultural exchange that benefits both parties. Cross-cultural understanding between cultures make the world a better place and to maintain the unity of the nation. Lastly, increasing nationalism is other means that can be done to preserve the integrity of the nation. It is a natural feeling among others members of the group owned. With this step as a nation we can promote cooperation and social cohesion in the group. Taste social cooperation as well as in making welfare programs, social security and medical is much more possible and more powerful. Besides that social assistance such as helping disaster victims across the region, together simultaneously in all regions in the state to celebrate the big day as the day freedom, with the defense of the nation in a variety of sports in the world grand event like the SEA Games that have been implemented long ago routine involving athletes selected from all regions of Indonesian territory which combine to form a national team and left the regional character and unite together to defend their own nation to be able to make his country proud, and at least every people knows and trying to learn the culture in other areas, so it is possible to strengthen the sense of unity that create a sense of nationalism sebgai people a nation. Cultural differences are sometime a sensitive matter for people. Indonesian people must teach younger generation about the importance of the cultural identity and nationalism to increase national unity so as to minimize fragmentation and inconsistency shown by our nation. Therefore let us promote unity movement without abandoning our identity as citizens.

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